Individual Consultant
Project Name: Strengthening the institutional framework in the water and sanitation sector in the Republic of Moldova
Project financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Austrian Development Agency
Sector: Water and Sanitation
SDC Ref. No. 81035398, 7F-08870.01.01
ADA Ref. No. 8332-00/2015
Expressions of interest: IFSP/CS-4/IC-4/C.1/1.5Int
Assignment name: International Regionalization Consultant
This request for expressions of interest follows the Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA; SR 172.056.1) and Federal Ordinance on Public Procurement (PPO; SR 172.056.11) as per Framework Agreement concerning Technical and Financial Co-operation and Humanitarian Aid between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of Moldova, signed on September 20, 2001, and the Agreement on Development Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Republic of Moldova, signed on October 21, 2008.
The proposed consultant services are procured under the Agreement between the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Austrian Development Agency on the implementation of the Project “Strengthening the institutional framework in the water and sanitation sector in the Republic of Moldova (IFSP)”, Phase (01) dated May 13th, 2016.
The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova received financing from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Austrian Development Agency toward the cost of implementation of the “Strengthening the institutional framework in the water and sanitation sector in the Republic of Moldova (IFSP)”, Phase (01), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for procurement of consultant services (Individual Consultant) for providing support in the process of regionalization and the creation of inter-municipalities associations.
To achieve the assignment’s objectives, the Consultant will have the following responsibilities:
Assessment / feedback of regionalization projects in the Republic of Moldova as well as outside of RM and then development of recommendations (best practice guides) on: Best practices of water operators; on Standard operating procedures for managing a water operator: corporate planning (business, capital investment, finance & administration, HR management, O&M (drinking water and sanitation), commercial management, public awareness; on Specific guides for the small water association in liaison with APASAN project
To prepare an action plan for regionalization of the water and wastewater operators and to support its implementation,
To support the development and the implementation of a communication plan for regionalization, including workshops;
Assist the operators to improve their financial and operational performance of the as well as its environmental and social management practices, as needed ;
Assist the operators to create contractual relationships between the Municipality/ies and the regional operator and, if needed, with other Shareholders;
To participate to the development of legal templates for establishing a Regional Operator Company, a Joint Stock Company…
To participate to the development of templates for positions needed in operator (job description), etc… ;
To support the Ministry of Environment to implement the documents prepared under action 1.2 and 1.10 from strategy of water supply and sanitation, which are respectively the concept (at national level) and an action plan for regionalization of water supply and sanitation services” and the ”Guide for regionalization of water supply and wastewater enterprises”;
To support the water and wastewater team in assessing and improving the project proposals.
- To support CALM to develop awareness campaign targeting local decision makers and to assist its implementation
- To favour the inclusion of all transversal issues such as : gender and minorities (data desegregation), environmental protection, social protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation,
- To nurture ownership by the relevant stakeholders of the different activities and project results,